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Data Ingestion with Spark and Kafka

In this tutorial, we will walk you through some of the basics of using Kafka and Spark to ingest data.

ML vs Stats

Machine Learning vs. Statistics

We (Tom, a Machine Learning practitioner, and Drew, a professional Statistician) have worked together for several years. We believe we have an understanding of the role of each field within data science, which we attempt to articulate here.

Effective Data Leadership

The First 100 Days: FAQs

Most companies are still trying to figure out how their data leaders can make a real impact in a short time frame. Here are some FAQ for CDOs.

From Defense to Offense: Shifting the CDO Mindset

From Defense to Offense: Shifting the CDO Mindset

Regardless of industry, size, maturity, or a variety of other organizational factors, CDOs are converging around some core ideas of what their role is—and what that means for their mission.

Make the Most of Your Data

Making fuller use of the data you already have often allows you to derive the insights that can fundamentally change your business. Our Data Dialogues series can teach you how.

100 Days Data Revolution

You Have 100 Days to Lead a Data Revolution

We believe CDOs have 100 days to get this digital transformation rolling downhill and towards a successful conclusion. If the basic building blocks aren’t in place and moving towards real progress by then, there is trouble ahead.

Building a Data-Driven Culture

By far the most difficult thing in being data-driven is getting the right data in the first place.

Understanding AI Toolkits

Understanding AI Toolkits

As well as developing familiarity with AI techniques, practitioners must choose their technology platforms wisely.

Rethinking Data Governance

Rethinking Data Governance

What is changing in data governance, how these changes can help you get more value out of your data, and what you can do to adapt to these changes.