Noteworthy Links: Hadoop Edition
May 17th, 2016
As you may have heard, Hadoop is 10 this year. In celebration, here are some posts we think you’ll find interesting.
Doug Cutting on Hadoop turning 10—The co-creator of Hadoop talks a bit about the tech’s history, and what he sees in the future. A key theme is the importance, and inevitability, of open source technology.
Know your business needs for Hadoop—Diving into the data-driven world can be exciting, but SVDS CTO John Akred stresses the need for solid business plans. The process can be overwhelming to consider, and there are pitfalls to avoid.
Five things to know about Hadoop vs Spark—A quick rundown of what each tech does, and how they compare. Let us know if you disagree on their best uses.
Here’s 5 resources to help you become a certified Hadoop developer—Their list includes Cloudera itself, and the popular site Udemy. Have you used any of these to further your Hadoop skills?
A Spark of Genius? How the Hadoop Ecosystem Evolves—This interview with DMRadio looks at how Spark is affecting the experts, and what they think about it. A featured guest is our own Principal Engineer, Richard Williamson.
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